We used calcium Chloride and baking soda in one corner of the bag...then we twisted it so it cut off from the other side which is where we put the phenol red. We shook it really well and it ended up turning yellow and it was cold to the touch. It had the smell of rubbing alcohol, and was very bubbly, and foamy.
A: the phenol red, baking soda and water made it very cold. Calcium Chloride and phenol red while mixed together the contents became very warm.
A: Yes. We had six trials all together for our individual lab. All of them were very cold, except for trial 2 which became very hot. trial 2 we had mixed the phenol red and calcium chloride, and thats how it was affected.
A: The color would change for each trial but it was just in shades of pink and/or purple. The color changed each trial, as long as we had the phenol red in it. Without it there was no color at all. We tried that to and decided that wasnt what needed to be done for the final product.4
A: Yes because that data is just as important as the gas bubbles. It helps to see things in different ways, and helps to get closer to the final product.
A: We used calcium chloride, baking soda, and water. No phenol red. It was very crumbly and didnt do much of anything at all. It just made the baking soda and calcium chloride come together, but they didnt do anything. Besides crumbling apart and staying white.
A: It continued to just turn pink/purple like. it all came together fine but it just melted together when we shook it up. Each trial we tried different mixtures of phenol red, baking soda, calcium chloride, and water. After 5 more trials we put together calcium chloride, Baking soda, and phenol red. It was the right combination. it turned yellow and was cold. It started to fill the baggy with air
A: Well for an experiment that would be logical...Would be adding more water to the contents and see if the ,(calcium chlorides'), identity changes.
A: No it doesnt always make a chemical reaction because there are more then just one type of change that could happen. Changes like the temperature change, or some sort of physical change, or even a color change could happen,
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