Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Chemistry in a Bag

This video shows the reaction to 1 scoop of calcium chloride, 1 scoop of sodium bicarbonate, 1 pipette of phenol red and 1 pipette of water.

This video shows the chemical reaction to 2 scoops calcium chloride, 2 scoops sodium bicarbonate, 1 pipette of Phenol Red, 1 pipette of Water.

This video shows the chemical reaction of 1 scoop calcium chloride, 1 scoop sodium bicarbonate, 1 pipette of phenol red and NO water.

This video shows the chemical reaction of 1 scoop sodium bicarbonate, 1 pipette phenol red, 1 pipette water and NO calcium chloride.

This video shows the reaction of 1 scoop calcium chloride, 1 scoop sodium bicarbonate, 1 pipette water and NO phenol red.

This video shows the chemical reaction of 1 scoop calcium chloride, 1 pipette of phenol red, 1 pipette of water and NO sodium bicarbonate.


1. When we took out the Sodium Bicarbonate, the water & phenol red reacted with the calcium chloride. It caused the substance to get very hot, very fast. When we took out the calcium chloride, the water & phenol red reacted with the Sodium Bicarbonate. The substance became cooler.

2. Yes, when we did the actual experiment we didn't notice much of a temperature change. We now know that it was the two different temperatures balancing each other out.

3. With all the mixed substances, the contents of the bag turned into a yellow/pinkish color. When we took out the sodium bicarbonate, the contents stayed red. When we took out the calcium chloride, the contents turned a pinkish color.

4. Yes, almost immediately after we mixed the chemicals, the contents would turn color and the bag would fill up with gas.

5. We tried the mixture with out phenol red and we tried the mixture without water. When we didnt add in the water, the substance turned yellow and produced A LOT of gas. Most of the substance was turned into a gas.

6. There is a lot of evidence that a new substance was formed, one of the reasons we think this is because the bag filled up with air. A new gas was created. Also, the substance changed texture.

7. Mix it with water. Then mix it with a different liquid and compare the reactions.

8. I dont think it always means there was a chemical change. When our substance without the sodium bicarbonate got really hot, its look stayed the exact same and nothing happened except the temp change.

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