Friday, October 14, 2011

Chemistry Class 10/14/2011 - Period 2

Today (Friday) in Chemistry:

*IMPORTANT*: Assessments 1,2,&3 are due on Tuesday now! Mrs. Sorensen fixed the assessments with the graph problems so please re-do them even if you already passed.

We looked over a Gizmo that showed us the time amounts for a pot of water boiling, freezing, evaporating, etc. We also compared our graphs to the graphs we made during the lab yesterday. On the graphs we talked about at what times/temps the melting would occur, the vaporization would occur, the freezing would occur, the evaporation would occur, and where the liquid state is.

We talked about the flubber & ooblek debate. Mrs. Sorensen told us that flubber is a Non-Newtonian Fluid. Which means its a liquid that doesn't act like one. It has some properties of a liquid (takes shape of its container, etc.) The ooblek is the same way. It is a dilatant. So if you put a pencil in it slowly, you will be able to go all the way through the liquid. If you try to pull it out very quickly if will become thick and you wont be able to get it out. The opposite of a dilatant is a thixotropic (examples: ketchup, germ-x, toothpaste.)

Dilatant- more viscous when pressure is applied.
Thixotropic- less viscous when pressure is applied.

For the lab today we crushed dry ice and put it in the top of a pipeette. We clamped it shut, then took plyers and squeezed it as hard as we could.

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