Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Burning Magnesium Morgan Vanderpool

The first picture is a picture of just crucible without the magnesium inside. The mass is 23.02. The second picture is a picture of the set up after the magnesium is added to the crucible and the Bunsen burner is underneath the tripod heating the crucible. The third picture is a picture of the the magnesium added to the crucible its mass is 23.19. The fourth picture is a picture of some materials you will need during the burning of the magnesium. The fifth picture is a picture of tongs that you will use in case the magnesium does not lit fire. You will use the tongs to lift the lid off of the crucible and pick up the magnesium to put the magnesium under the fire to light it. If it lights then look out of the corner of your eye to put the magnesium back into the crucible because the light is very bright and could hurt your eyes. Speaking of your eyes showing you in the second to the last picture make sure to have your safety eye glasses on at all times. Also in the picture is a hair tie so if you have long hair you need to put it up. In the last picture is of the magnesium all burned up in the crucible weighing 23.18
  1. Mass of magnesium before was 23.02g and after the magnesium was burned its mass was 23.19g. The difference between before and after was .17g.

  2. The Kinetic energy was released by the product because it gave off heat and light.
  3. The Magnesium reacts with certain air components because when the magnesium was lit fire the oxygen was lit also making the magnesium react with the little amount of oxygen.
  4. Magnesium Oxide , Magnesium3 Nitride2.
  5. After the magnesium was completely burned all that was left was white leaving the product formed from oxygen and magnesium.
  6. Yes, there was an electric current that conducted with the magnesium compounds. No, nothing showed that the compounds were ion
  7. Its the incorrect measurement, or you didn't let the magnesium completely melt.
  8. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and makes up 50% of the bodies bones and cells. Magnesium is very important for your physical and mental health and can be listed in many different types of vitamins and minerals.
  9. Magnesium hydroxide or milk of magnesium.

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