Friday, January 13, 2012

Magnesium lab

Magnesium Lab

Materials :
Bunsen burner
Ring stand
Stirring rod
Distilled water
Clay triangle

1. Put on saftey glasses because magnesium can damage your eyes.
2. place ring stand 7 cm above the top of the Bunsen burner with clay triangle on top.
3. Mass the crucible then zero the scale and put a ribbon of magnesium (rolled in a ball) in until you get about .1 g or more of magnesium.
4. Place the crucible with magnesium on the ring stand.
5. Use the striker to light the Bunsen burner and see if the magnesium catches fire.
6. If the magnesium does not catch take out a piece and light it on fire and put back in the crucible.
7. Do not look at the magnesium (look through the corner of your eye) and wait till it goes out.

8. Mass how much it weighs after it burns.
9. Repeat a second trial.
10. After second trial place Distilled water in crucible.
11. Hook up to electricity wires, Christmas lights, and batteries to see if it conducts electricity.


Trial 1:
Mass of magnesium: .17g
Mass of magnesium after burning: .22g

Trial 2:
Mass of magnesium: .1g
Mass of magnesium after burning: .23g

The magnesium does conduct electricity after it has been burned.


1. magnesium before = .17g, magnesium after = .22g with a difference of .05g

2. Kinectic energy was released by the magnesium because it gave off heat and light.

3. By if it changes color or smell or gives off any kind of reaction.

4. MgO and Mg^5N^2

5. Magnesium and Oxygen makes up most of the compound because it is yellow right at first when you light it but then turns white when its burning and then a little yellow at the end.

6. Yes they conducted an electric current. Yes they are ionic.

7. It did not burn all the way or enough of the magnesium.

8. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body. Most multi-vitamins contain magnesium to help muscle and nerve functions and to steady your heart.

9. Milk of Magnesia, used as a antacid or laxative.

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