Materials: You will need...
- Magnesium strips
- A crucible
- A ring stand
- A bunsen burner
- Some distilled water
- A scale
- A clay triangle
- Batteries
- Cables
- Short string of christmas lights
- Do not lick the battery!
- Don't look at the burning magnesium when on fire. It produces UV rays that can damage your eyes.
- Find all of your equiptment and make sure it it clean and useable.
- Mass your magnesium strips in the crucible until the number of the mass goes up from the empty crucible.
- Roll the strips you massed into a ball and place it in your crucible,which should be on your clay triangle on a ring stand over a bunsen burner.
- Turn on your bunsen burner and light it, make sure your flame isn't too high.
- Let your magnesium sit in your crucible with the lid on for a few minutes. If it doesn't light take the lid off and let it sit. If it still doesn't light you have to pick up your magnesium with tongs and manually light it by puting it in the fire. As soon as it's lit carefully and quickly put it back in the crucible and wait until its done burning.
- Mass your crucible again and record this mass.
- Repeat this process from step two
- Now mix in a little distilled water into the crucible.
- Connect the cables to the battery and lights. See how the lights light up if its set up right?
- Now take the cables and out them in the magnesium water. If done right the lights should flicker
- Now carefully clean up your stations
Book Questions:
- .17 g to .22 g
- This lab produced thermal energy because it lit up when on fire.
- We know because it flickered and didn't really light until lit in the fire.
- MgO and Mg5N2
- Oxygen, because when it was done burning it had a more white product
- Yes, and bothe combinations were metal + non-metal
- if the producy masses less then maybe you massed wrong
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