Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Study Guide 1-3 Advanced (D)
1. MnO2 2. trigonal bipyramidal, 90/120, sp3d, and nonpolar 3. show in class
4. trigonal pyramidal, 107.3, sp3, polar 5. silver chromate 6. show in class
7. sulfur dioxide 8. show in class 9. show in class
10. trigonal bipyramidal, 90/120, sp3d, polar 11. Copper (II) oxide 12 Diarsenic trioxide
13. octahedral, 90, sp3d2, nonpolar 14. Fe2(S2O3)3 15. Selenium Trioxide 16. Show in class 17. Niobium (III)Phoshpide 18. Mg(OH)2 19. Show in class 20. trigonal planar, 120, sp2, nonpolar 21. show in class 22. C 23. d 24. b 25. d 26. d 27. b 28. c 29. a 30. c 31. b
Study Guide 2-3 (C)
1. Iron (II) Phosphate 2. Will show in class 3. Carbon Tetrachloride 4. Sodium Bromide
5. Show pic in class Li+ O2- Chemical formula:Li2O 6. Pic in class bent, 104.5, sp3, polar
7. CF2 8. show in class 9. tetrasulfur tetranitride 10. MnO2 11. Show in class 12. pic in class, Al +3 S-2 chemical formula: Al2S3 13. pic in class, K+ Cl- Chemical formula :KCl 14. carbon monoxide
15. Potassium Hydroxide 16. BaCl2 17. pic in class, trigonal bipyramidal, 90/120, sp3d, polar
18. linear, 180, sp, nonpolar
19. D 20. D. 21. A 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. B 26. C 27. B 28. B
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Magnesium Burning Lab
4.Bunsen Burner
5.Ring Stand
1. Do not look at burning magnesium, bright enough to harm eyes.
2. Wear safety goggles.
3. Use the tongs to hold magnesium.
1. Record the mass of the crucible
2. Take strips of magnesium and weigh them
3. Turn on the bunsen burner below the crucible
4. Make a ball with the magnesium strips and place them in the crucible
5. Put the lid on the crucible and wait for the magnesium to light, if it does not light, then take the lid off and use the tongs to take a strip of magnesium out and light it, then look through corner of eye and place in the crucible.
6. After it is all burned in the crucible, turn off the bunsen burner and then weigh it and subtract the weight of the crucible.
7. After that hook it up to the batteries and the lights to see if it conducts electricity.
1.Magnesium Before-.17g Magnesium After-.22g Increase-.05g
2.The burning magnesium produced lots of light which means that it was electrical energy.
3.We know it reacts with the air because when it burned it gave off a very bright light.
4.MgO Mg^3N^2
5.The product has to be made up of mostly oxygen because the majority of the light when it was burning was white.
6.The magnesium conducted electricity and it was an ionic bond because a nonmetal and metal were the two elements bonding.
7.If the magnesium was only partially burned and strips of magnesium were left then the mass could have increased.
8.The majority of magnesium in our bodies is found in our bones. Other magnesium is in tissues and organs and it is an ingredient in multi vitamins.
9.Milk of magnesia.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Magnesium lab
- Bunsen Burner
- Cruicble
- Ring stand
- Tongs
- Striker
- Scale
- 1g magnesium Ribbon
- various size of batteries
- Distilled water
- light strip
- wire strippers
- zero the scale and weigh the crucible
- attach the bunsen burner to the gas nozzle
- Find and weight magnesium ribbon
- place the ribbon in the crucible
- turn the gas on light the bunsen burner
- adjust the heat so the tip barley touches the the bottom of the crucible
- let it heat for 2 1/2 minutes or so
- use the tongs to pull out the ribbon do not look at the ribbon!!!! then place it back in
- wait for the magnesium to burn out
- weigh the crucible then compare it with the beginning weight and the weight of the ribbon
- add distilled water to the magnesium then stir
- take the other ends and hook them to various sizes or batteries to see if a light turns on
- when cleaning out crucible dumb mixture in trash and wipe out with a paper towel
- Mg=.4 Mg after=.4 increase=0
- the energy given off was kinetic energy cause of the the light and the heat given off during the reaction
- due to the bright light given off during the reaction magnesium reacts with air
- Mgo, Mg3N2
- because of the light and energy Mgo and Mg3N2 are mainly made up of nitrogen and oxygen
- its a ionic b0nd cause 1 metal and 1 nonmetal that form together
- if a loss in mass occurred then there was probably left over magnesium in the crucible
- magnesium supports a healthy immune system, strong bones, muscle development, and nerve development
- magnesium is commonly used for heartburn to calm stomachs, often used in the form of magnesium hyrdroxide
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Bunsen burner
clay triangle
ring stand
distilled water
1 zero scale and find wieght of crucible
2 attach bunsen burner to gas nozzle
3 put ring stand over bunsen burner with clay triangle on top of it
4 find wieght of magnesium strip
5 put magnesium strip in glass
6 turn on gas till you hear it
7 use striker to light the bunsen burner
8 let the magnesium strip heat for two and half minutes or so
9 use tongs to take out magnesium
10 put magnesium back in crucible and do not look!!!!!!!!!!
11 After its burnt out and done wiegh the crucible but make sure its cooled down
12 Now add distilled water and stir it up
13 now take one end of the wire and put it in the water
14 take the other end and put the two wires on each side of the battery
15 now the faint light will show in middle of two as you watch
16 now clean up worstation and wipe down crucible with clean water
it caused the light to light up in the middle, and the crucible stayed same throughout the experiment
If it wouldnt have went wrong
Sam's Magnesium Lab
- Crucible
- Tongs
- Ring Stand
- Clay Triangle
- Bunsen Burner
- Striker
- Scale
- 1g of Magnesium Ribbon
- Distilled Water
- Various sizes of batteries
- Light Strip
- Wire Strippers
- Find crucible and weight it before doing anything using a scale
- Setup ringstand over bunsen burner and place clay triangle on the stand
- Attach bunsen burner to gas (do not ignite)
- Find and weight magnesium ribbon
- Place ribbon in crucible
- Turn gas on and light the bunsen burner
- Adjust heat so the tip of the flame barely touches the bottom of the crucible
- Let heat for 2-3 minutes
- If the magnesium doesn't ignite then use the tongs and pull a piece of ribbon out and place it in the flame until it ignites. DO NOT LOOK AT RIBBON place ribbon back in crucible.
- Wait for magnesium to burn out
- Weigh the crucible after it has cooled off and compare with beginning weight plus the weight of the ribbon
- Add distilled water to magnesium and stir
- Take a light strip and strip the ends and connect them to clamps and place them in the mixture
- Take the other ends and hook them to various sizes of batteries and see if a light goes on inside one of the lights
- When cleaning out crucible dump mixture in TRASH and wipe out carefully with a paper towel.
- Mg before = .4 Mg After = .4 Increase = 0
- The energy given off was Kinetic Energy due to the light and heat that was given off during the reaction
- Due to the bright light when it burned it seems like Magnesium reacts with air.
- Mgo; Mg3N2
- Because of the light and energy, Mgo and Mg3N2 are mostly Nitrogen and Oxygen.
- It's an ionic bond because it is 1 metal and 1 nonmetal that form together chemically.
- If a loss of mass occurred than, more than likely, there was probably left over Magnesium in the bottom of the crucible.
- Magnesium supports strong bones, a healthy immune system, muscle development, and nerve development.
- Magnesium is commonly used for heartburn relief and to calm sore stomachs. It is often used in the form of Magnesium Hydroxide.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Magnesium Lab! :) -Haleigh Meier
- Bunsen Burner
- Clay Triangle
- Ring Stand
- Crucible
- Magnesium
- Scale
- Battery
- Cables
- Christmas lights
- Tongs
Clay Ring
Bunsen Burner
Ring Stand
Crucible with lid
Wear Safety Goggles
Dont Look at the Burning Light
Get all the Materials Needed
Get Weight of Crucible
Get Magnesium stripes and weigh them
Turn on the Bunsen Burner so the Flame is just Touching the Bottom of the Crucible
Now see the magnesium catch on fire
When Dont Burning Mass the Crucible with the Contents inside
Add Distilled Water to the Crucible and Stir and Watch to see if it conducts Electricity and Connect to Batteries
1. Before .17 g after .22g difference .05g
2. electric engery and lelctricity is created
3. chang of smell or color
4. MgO & Mg^5N^2
5. compound is mostly nitrogen and oxygen, it gives off different colors.
6. yes and no
7. didnt burn al the magnesium
8. Magnesium the fourth most abundant in the body. Most multi-vitamins contain magnesium
9. milk of magnesia
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Burning Magnesium
- Ring Stand
- Crucible
- Clay Ring
- Bunsen Burner
- Magnesium
- Scale
- Wear Safety Goggles so the burning magnesium won't blow into your eyes
- Use tongs to hold on to magnesium
- First locate all of the materials needed for the lab
- Next, weigh the crucible and write down its weight
- Then grab several strips of magnesium and weigh them.Try to keep mass of total magnesium over .1g and less than .3g
- Now you're going to wad up the magnesium and put it in the crucible.
- The next thing is to turn on the bunsen burner so that the flame is barely touching the bottom of the crucible.
- Now you have to wait for the magnesium to catch fire. If after two minutes or so it hasn't caught fire, take one strip of magnesium out and put it right in the flame. Without looking at the now burning spark of death, try to use your peripheral vision to put it back into the crucible.
- Finally once it has finished burning, you will mass the crucible with the contents inside.
- The last thing is to add distilled water to the crucible and stir and see if it conducts electricity by putting a circuit with lights on it and connect it to the batteries.
- If the light turns on then you know the magnesium conducts electricity.
We concluded that the mass of the magnesium after it had burned, increased by .05g. We also found out that after we added the distilled water to the crucible and mixed it, the substance containing magnesium did conduct electricity through the circuit and the light turned on. This means that magnesium itself is a good conductor of electricity and can be used in many appliances.
- Magnesium Before-.17g Magnesium After-.22g Increase-.05g
- Kinetic Energy was released by the product because it gave off heat and light
- We know the magnesium reacts with the air because it started to burn pure magnesium and gave off a bright light
- MgO; Mg3N2
- The compound that makes up most of the products of MgO and Mg3N2 is mostly nitrogen and oxygen because it gives off different colors of light.
- The magnesium did conduct electricity. The results did tell that the compounds were ionic because there was one metal and one nonmetal and it conducted electricity.
- I think that if the magnesium would've lost mass is if not all the magnesium burned and left some ribbons in the bottom along with some burned pieces.
- Magnesium helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, helps maintain a steady heart rhythm, supports a healthy immune stystem, and keeps bones strong. About 50% of total body magnesium is found in the bones.
- Mg(OH)2 is used as a medicine for relief of heartburn and sore stomach. It is commonly called an over-the-counter drug called magnesium hydroxide.
Magnesium Lab
- Bunsen burner
- Crucible
- Ring stand
- Clay triangle
- Magnesium ribbons
- Battery and cables
- Short string of Christmas lights
Safety Precautions
- Always have your goggles on.
- When the magnesium has ignited DO NOT look directly at the magnesium. It gives off damaging UV rays that can damage you eyes.
- Use tongs when igniting magnesium or moving a hot crucible.
- Once you have all of your materials gathered fin the mass of your crucible and record it on your data table.
- Take your magnesium and place one strip at a time onto a scale until it registers a number. Record the number.
- Crumble the magnesium into a loose ball then place it in the crucible and then place the lid on top of the crucible.
- Put the crucible on the clay triangle and place it on the ring stand that is over the bunsen burner.
- Turn on the bunsen burner so that it is heating the crucible with the magnesium.
- Let it sit with the lid on for a few minutes.
- If the magnesium does not ignite take the lid off and wait for a few minutes.
- If it still has not ignited take out a strip of magnesium, hold it in the flame for a few moments until it ignites. Use your peripheral vision to observe the magnesium, DON'T look directly at it. Then place the strip back into the crucible.
- Weigh the remaining magnesium ( weigh the magnesium and the crucible and subtract the weight of the crucible) and record it in your data table.
- Then fill the crucible with water and connect the battery to the cables and the Christmas lights. If the Christmas lights give off a glow, you know that magnesium conducts electricity.
- Before= .1g of magnesium After= .4g Difference= gained .3g
- Thermal energy was given off when the magnesium ignited and so was light. This means that a chemical reaction occurred, so we can assume that a new product was formed.
- We know that the magnesium reacted with the air because it increased by .3g so it had to bond with other elements in the air because that made the mass increase.
- Mg3 N2 Mg O
- Magnesium Oxide, from looking at the ashes the majority of our product was white.
- The magnesium compound did conduct an electric current. We know that it is ionic because It is between a metal (magnesium) and a nonmetal (oxygen/nitrogen). Also, this is just a guess, but ionic compounds make positive and negative ions, would that have anything to do with electricity flowing from one charge to the next?
- An error could be that the person doing the experiment could have not massed the crucible or the magnesium correctly at the beginning or the end of the lab.
- Yes
- Milk of Magnesia
Burning Magnesium Morgan Vanderpool

- Mass of magnesium before was 23.02g and after the magnesium was burned its mass was 23.19g. The difference between before and after was .17g.
- The Kinetic energy was released by the product because it gave off heat and light.
- The Magnesium reacts with certain air components because when the magnesium was lit fire the oxygen was lit also making the magnesium react with the little amount of oxygen.
- Magnesium Oxide , Magnesium3 Nitride2.
- After the magnesium was completely burned all that was left was white leaving the product formed from oxygen and magnesium.
- Yes, there was an electric current that conducted with the magnesium compounds. No, nothing showed that the compounds were ion
- Its the incorrect measurement, or you didn't let the magnesium completely melt.
- Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and makes up 50% of the bodies bones and cells. Magnesium is very important for your physical and mental health and can be listed in many different types of vitamins and minerals.
- Magnesium hydroxide or milk of magnesium.
Lab Write Up
Materials: You will need...
- Magnesium strips
- A crucible
- A ring stand
- A bunsen burner
- Some distilled water
- A scale
- A clay triangle
- Batteries
- Cables
- Short string of christmas lights
- Do not lick the battery!
- Don't look at the burning magnesium when on fire. It produces UV rays that can damage your eyes.
- Find all of your equiptment and make sure it it clean and useable.
- Mass your magnesium strips in the crucible until the number of the mass goes up from the empty crucible.
- Roll the strips you massed into a ball and place it in your crucible,which should be on your clay triangle on a ring stand over a bunsen burner.
- Turn on your bunsen burner and light it, make sure your flame isn't too high.
- Let your magnesium sit in your crucible with the lid on for a few minutes. If it doesn't light take the lid off and let it sit. If it still doesn't light you have to pick up your magnesium with tongs and manually light it by puting it in the fire. As soon as it's lit carefully and quickly put it back in the crucible and wait until its done burning.
- Mass your crucible again and record this mass.
- Repeat this process from step two
- Now mix in a little distilled water into the crucible.
- Connect the cables to the battery and lights. See how the lights light up if its set up right?
- Now take the cables and out them in the magnesium water. If done right the lights should flicker
- Now carefully clean up your stations
Book Questions:
- .17 g to .22 g
- This lab produced thermal energy because it lit up when on fire.
- We know because it flickered and didn't really light until lit in the fire.
- MgO and Mg5N2
- Oxygen, because when it was done burning it had a more white product
- Yes, and bothe combinations were metal + non-metal
- if the producy masses less then maybe you massed wrong
Friday, January 13, 2012
Burning magnessium lab
Magnesium Lab
Materials needed: you need a ring stand, one gram of magnesium, a Bunsen burner, and some batteries and wire.
Procedure the first thing you need to do is find a crucible and weight it using a scale Setup a ring stand over a Bunsen burner and place clay triangle on the stand and Attach the Bunsen burner to gas Do Not turn the Gas on yet. Find and weight magnesium ribbon Place ribbon in crucible Turn gas on and light the Bunsen burner Adjust heat so the tip of the flame barely touches the bottom of the crucible you should have a blue flame then let it heat for 2-3 minutes. Wait for magnesium to burn out Weigh the crucible after it has cooled off and compare with beginning weight plus the weight of the ribbon mix the water and magnesium and stir Take a light strip and strip the ends and connect them to clamps and place them in the mixture Take the other ends and hook them to batteries and see if a light goes on inside one of the lights When cleaning out crucible dump mixture in TRASH and wipe out carefully with a paper towel.
Results For my results I noticed that the crucible was the same after igniting the magnesium as it was before if you would add the weight of the crucible and the ribbon.
Magnesium Lab

Ring StandBunsen Burner
- Place the ring on the ring stand 7 centimeters above the bunsen burner.
- Put the clay triangle on the ring.
- Roll about 25 centimeters of the magnesium ribbon into a loose ball.
- Measure the mass of the crucible and magnesium.
- Place the magnesium in the crucible.
- Turn on the bunsen burner so that the flame is slightly touching the bottom of the crucible.
- After two minutes, take the magnesium out of the crucible and put it directly into the flame.
- The magnesium shines a bright light that you cannot look directly into. Use your peripheral vision to place it back into the crucible.
- After the magnesium burns, measure the mass again.
- Add distilled water to the crucible.
- Stir the mixture.
- See if it conducts energy by putting a type of circuit that has lights on it and connect it to the batteries.
- The magnesium conducts energy if the light turns on.
- Magnesium Before: .18g After: .23g
- Kinetic energy was released because it gave off heat and light.
- Magnesium reacts with air because it burned and gave off a bright light.
- MgO. Mg3N2.
- Nitrogen and Oxygen is a compound because it shows different colors of light.
- It conducted electricity. It showed that it is ionic because there was one metal and one nonmetal.
- I think the magnesium could lose mass if it wasn't all burned.
- Magnesium helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, a steady heart rhythm, supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. About 50% of body magnesium is found in bones.
- Mg(OH)2 is a medicine used for heartburn relief and a sore stomach called Magnesium Hydroxide.
Magnesium Lab
-ring stand and ring
-clay triangle
-laboratory burner
-stirring rod
-crucible tongs
-centigram balance
-100ml beaker
-distiller water
-conductivity tester
-Wear safety glasses
-Wait until the materials that were heated have cooled before handling them
-Tie hair back
-Avoid baggy clothing and Roll up sleeves if necessary
1. On the ringstand place the ring approx. 7 centimeters above the bunsen burner.
2. Take the clay triangle and place it on the ring.
4. Measure the mass of the crucible and the magnesium, and write it down.
5. Put the magnesium inside the crucible.
6. Now you need to turn on your bunsen burner and make it so that the flame is slightly touching the bottom of the crucible.
7. Now you are waiting for the magnesium in the crucible to catch on fire. After two minutes, and nothing has happened, take the magnesium out of the crucible and put it directly in the flame. The magnesium will shine an extremely bright light which can hurt your eyes, so you must use peripheral vision to place it back into the crucible.
8. When the magnesium has finished burning, you need to mass the crucible and its items inside.
9. Now you must use distilled water and add it to the crucible.
10. Stir the mixture and see if it will conduct electricity from it by putting a type of circuit that has lights on it , and then connect it to the batteries.
11. If it does conduct any electricity the lights on the circuit will turn on, and you now know that the magnesium can conduct electricity.
I figured out that the magnesium went up about.06 grams. I also discovered that when i put the distilled water into the crucible and then stirred it up, that it has the ability to conduct electricity. We now know that the magnesium in the crucible can be used for many other things, since it is considered to be a good conducter for electricity to run through.
1. Magnesium before the heat-.11grams Magnesium After the heating-.17grams. There was an increase of .o6 grams
2. The type of energy that came from it was kinetic because it showed light and heat.
3. When the magnesium began to get burned, and it showed a very bright light, we can conclude that it did mix with air.
5. Nitrogen and oxygen is a compound in this lab because it was able to show different colors of light.
6. The compounds were considered ionic from the results i got. It conducted electricity by having one that was purely nonmetal and the other one being metal.
7. I believe that there could be things left behind in the crucible, or maybe some pieces that had become burned and fell off, that would have caused the magnesium to lose some of its mass.
8. Magnesium- Healthy immune system, steady heart beat, nerves, keeps muscles normal. Magnesium is mainly in our bones.
9. Magnesium hydroxide is what Mg(OH)2 is called if it is a over the counter type of drug.
Magnesium Lab
You will need:
-clay triangle
-bunsen burner
1. Find the mass of an empty crucible
2. Find the mass of the magnesium strips
3. Mass the two together
4. Put crucible w/ magnesium in it on the clay triangle over the flame. Carefully put lid on top of crucible.
5. Magnesium should light by itself but if not then use a lighter. Once it is lit DO NOT look directly at it. It can damage your eyes severely.
6. Let the magnesium burn down until its no longer on fire then find the mass. *Mass should be less then it was before it was lit* In the experiment that was conducted the magnesium didn't change in weight.
7. After weighing the ashes pour distilled water into the crucible. Then take a wire contraption and dip it into the crucible. The christmas lights lit up so the substance could conduct electricity.
1. Before .10g and after .10g
2. Electric energy was created and since the christmas lights lit up there was electronegativity.
3. Change of color, heat, & smell
4. MgO & Mg^5N^2
5. The compound is made up of Oxygen & . We can tell because it burned yellow at first and then changed to burning a white color.
6. The compound is ionic. It has a metal & a non-metal.
7. The weight didn't change so we could have spilled some magnesium or just not burned it all the way.
8. Magnesium is ranked #4 on the most abundant elements list. It is good for you and is found in most multi-vitamins.
9. Milk of Magnesia

Magnesium Lab
1 Before: 0.10 grams After: 0.10 grams
2 electric energy, electricity is created
3 because it burns extremely brightly
4 MgO, Mg3N2
5 Magnesium and oxygen
6 yes, no
7 burned too hot
8 Multi-vitamin
9 Milk of Magnesia
Magnesium lab
- Hair pulled back
- Saftey glasses on
- Make sure not to look directly at the magnesium strip while burning because the light is very bright and could damage eyes
- Magnesium strip
- crucible
- ring stand and ring
- clay triangle
- bunsen burner
- stirring rod
- tongs
- balance
- distilled water
- conductivity tester
- Place the ring on the stand about 7 cm above the bunsen burner, and then place the clay triangle on the ring stand
- record the mass of the crucible and then zero it out and measure the amount of magnesium you would like to burn
- Place the curcible on the clay ring and heat the crucible with the bunsen burner flame
- the magnesium should light in the crucible, but if not take the piece of magnesium and light it in the bunsen burner flame and once it lights with white light (do not look dierectly at the light) place it back in to the crucible and let the rest of the magnesium burn
- once the crucible is cool place it on the balance and record your data
- then add 5ml of distilled water to the crucible and stir together with a stiring rod
- check the mixture with a conductivity checker ( you will see that the christmas lights can light without touching each other
- Record your results
Trial 1:
Mass of magnesium: .17g
Mass of Magnesium after burning: .22g
Trial 2:
Mass of Magnesium: .10g
Mass of Magnesium after burning: .23g
The magnesium also conducts electricity after it has been burned.
- Mass of magnesium before was .17g and after the magnesium was burned its mass was .22g. The difference between before and after was .05g.
- Kinetic energy was released by the product because it gave of heat and light.
- The magnesium reacts with certain air components because when the magnesium was lit the oxygen was lit making the magnesium react with the little amount of oxygen.
- Magnesium oxide , Magnesium3 nitride2.
- After the magnesium was completely burned all that was left was white leaving the product formed from oxygen and magnesium.
- Yes, there was an electric current conducted with the magnesium compounds. no, nothing showed that the compounds were ionic.
- incorrect measurement, or you didn't let the magnesium completely melt.
- Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and makes up 50% of the bodies bones and cells. Magnesium is very important for your physical and mental health and can be listed in many different types of vitamins and minerals.
- In medicine Mg(OH)2 is used for heartburn relief and stomach aches and is also used for a short term laxative. Popular names include, magnesium hydroxide or milk of magnesium.
Burning magneseum lab.
Bunsen burner, distilled water, tongs, ring stand with ring attached, stirring rod, crucible, clay triangle, scale, conductivity tester and magnesuim.
Wear safety goggles, DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY AT BURNING MAGNESIUM LIGHT COULD DAMAGE EYES, be careful cause materials may be very hot to handle.
- Set up ring stand so it is 7 cm above table.
- Mass empty crucible and record mass
- Roll magnesium into a small ball, measure the mass of magnesium and crucible, then record.
- Light bunsen burner.
- Place crucible on clay ring and start to heat up crucible.
- If magnesium does not light you can pull a small piece of it out of the crucible and light it in the bunsen burner then quickly and carefully put back in crucible.
- When magnesium and crucible has cooled down you can place on a scale, mass, and record data.
- Then carefully pour 5 mL of distilled water into crucible and stir.
- Test conductivity with a conductivity tester and record results.
After you burn the magnesium the weight increased. The magnesium can also become a electricity conducter if you add distilled water and stir.
- Magnesium before = .17g Magnesium After = .22g Difference = .05g
- Kinetic energy was released from the magnesium because it gave of heat and
light. - when the magnesium was lit so was the oxygen which gave it very little oxygen to work off of.
- MO, M3N2
- After the magnesium was done burning what was left behind was some of the product.
- Yes. it did conduct electricity. No. nothing showed that it was ionic compounds.
- Magnesium didn't melt.
- Magnesium is very important to stay physically and mentally healthy.
- found in medicine Mg(OH)2 to help relief stomach aches and heartburn. sometimes called milk of magnesium and magnesium hydroxide.
Magnesium lab
Materials :
Bunsen burner
Ring stand
Stirring rod
Distilled water
Clay triangle
1. Put on saftey glasses because magnesium can damage your eyes.
2. place ring stand 7 cm above the top of the Bunsen burner with clay triangle on top.
3. Mass the crucible then zero the scale and put a ribbon of magnesium (rolled in a ball) in until you get about .1 g or more of magnesium.
4. Place the crucible with magnesium on the ring stand.
5. Use the striker to light the Bunsen burner and see if the magnesium catches fire.
6. If the magnesium does not catch take out a piece and light it on fire and put back in the crucible.
7. Do not look at the magnesium (look through the corner of your eye) and wait till it goes out.
8. Mass how much it weighs after it burns.
9. Repeat a second trial.
10. After second trial place Distilled water in crucible.
11. Hook up to electricity wires, Christmas lights, and batteries to see if it conducts electricity.
Trial 1:
Mass of magnesium: .17g
Mass of magnesium after burning: .22g
Trial 2:
Mass of magnesium: .1g
Mass of magnesium after burning: .23g
The magnesium does conduct electricity after it has been burned.
1. magnesium before = .17g, magnesium after = .22g with a difference of .05g
2. Kinectic energy was released by the magnesium because it gave off heat and light.
3. By if it changes color or smell or gives off any kind of reaction.
4. MgO and Mg^5N^2
5. Magnesium and Oxygen makes up most of the compound because it is yellow right at first when you light it but then turns white when its burning and then a little yellow at the end.
6. Yes they conducted an electric current. Yes they are ionic.
7. It did not burn all the way or enough of the magnesium.
8. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body. Most multi-vitamins contain magnesium to help muscle and nerve functions and to steady your heart.
9. Milk of Magnesia, used as a antacid or laxative.