Friday, November 4, 2011

Silent lab - Gas laws

Boyle's Law
The pipit with the blue liquid was a good example of Boyles law. There was constant temperature throughout the whole experiment, but the pressure and volume were inversely related. When we would put more pressure on the pipit the volume would decrease and more blue liquid would come out of the top of the pipit. When temperature stayed constant pressure increased while volume decreased.

Charles Law
A good example for Charles law is the toy story balloon rising and falling. While the pressure stayed constant the temperature and volume directly related. When we held the balloon in front of the heater the particles inside the balloon started to expand more and make the volume of the balloon increase as well as the temperature of the balloon. But when the hot air was taken away the temperature started to decrease while the volume started to decrease as well, which made the balloon start to fall to the ground. When pressure stayed the same temperature and volume both increased, or both decreased.

Gay-Lusaac's Law
Station 4 which was the can lab was a good example for Gay-Lusaac's Law. There was constant volume in the can but the pressure and temperature were being increased by the Bunsen burner. While volume stayed constant pressure and temperature directly related. Once the can with steaming water was placed into the ice water the can expanded increasing the pressure and making the can burst. When the volume was the same, pressure and temperature both increased.

Real Life - gas law

When i was little i loved balloons and loved to watch them float to the top of my ceiling, but one time my dad told me to squeeze it as hard as i could. I did and the balloon popped right in my hands. This is an example of Boyle's law because the temperature stayed constant while the pressure and volume were indirectly related. When i was squeezing the balloon i was actually reducing the volume inside which increased the pressure and made the balloon pop. The particles inside the balloon were so close together (like the mosh pit) that it just eventually burst after to much pressure was applied.


  1. I think you did a good job explaining why the experiments were related to the laws. I think you should have explained exactly what each law was a little better.

  2. The explanations of the experiments were well explained. There is nothing that really needs changed maybe just check grammer.


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