The pipets are like Boyle's law. Boyle's law is when there is a constan temp, but there is a change in the pressure and volume. These fits with the pipets cause the pipets stayed a constant temp but when the pressure went up the volume went down cause it started to move out of the pipet the more pressure you put on it.
The pop can is like Gay-Lusac's law. Gay-Lusac's law is when there is a constant volume but the temp and pressure either go up or down. In the pop can lab the pop can was warmed up and when it was placed in cold water which changed the temp and caused it to collaspe into its self. The balloon is similar to Charles's law because there was a constant pressure in the balloon. The balloon exprienced a change in temp when you put it by the heater and it caused it to rise.
Great blog! You really explained well! One thing I see wrong is that I'm pretty sure it spelled "lusaacs"