Sunday, November 6, 2011

Silent Lab Reflection

Boyle's Law says that with a constant temperature, pressure and volume vary directly. Meaning that when pressure increases, volume decreases and vise versa. The best example i can think of is with the bike pump. We pumped in more air which made the syringe decrease in volume.

Charles's law say that at a constant pressure, tempeature and volume are directly related. So when temp goes down so does volume and the other way around. The imploding can is a good example of this because we heated the can with a little water in the bottom and then waited untill steam came rom the can the when placed in COLD water the VOLUME of the can DECREASED.

Gay-Lusac's law states that with a constant volume pressure and temp are directly related. a good example of this is the compressor lab. We pumped compressed air into a bottle.When the volume of the bottle increased the temp rose and when released it dropped dramatically.


  1. You did a good job explaining what each law was but maybe go more in detail about each lab.


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